The other day I did a meme where I mentioned the movie All Over the Guy. One of the things that I really liked about that movie was that they used several Maroon 5 songs. Of course, back then they were called Kara's Flowers, but I loved them just the same. Anyway, that got me thinking about how much I like Maroon 5 and also about a meme that I had done years ago. I was finally able to track it down so here goes. This one is harder than it looks and takes some time, but I'm interested to see if anyone else does it. Let me know if you give it a go.
The rules: Answer the questions using only lyrics from one band/artist.
I'm using Maroon 5
1. Are you Male or Female? "It makes me burn to learn
You're with another man
I wonder if he's half
the lover that I am" -
If I Ever See Your Face Again2. Who are you? "I live on raw emotion baby
I answer question never maybe
And I'm not kind if you betray me" -
Wake Up Call3. What is your outlook on life? "Its not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us a long" -
She Will Be Loved4. How do other people feel about you? "This city's made us crazy and we must get out" -
Must Get Out5. How do you live? "But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do" -
Sunday Morning6. How do you love? "I'll fix these broken things
Repair your broken wings
and make sure everything's alright.
My pressure on her hips
sinking my fingertips
into every inch of you
cause I know that's what you want me to do" -
This Love7. How do you hate? "Does it kill
does it burn?
Is it painful to learn
that its me that has all the control" -
Harder to Breathe8. Have you ever been in love? "If I fell in love with you
would you promise to be true
and help me understand?
Cause I've been in love before
and I found that love was more
than just holding hands" -
If I Fell in Love with You9. Describe your 1st kiss. "Sometimes you move so well
It's hard not to give in.
I'm lost, I can't tell
where you end and I begin." -
If I Ever See Your Face Again10. Describe you ex. "I still don't have the reason
and you don't have the time
and it really makes me wonder
if I ever gave a fuck about you.
Give me something to believe in
cause I don't believe in you
Anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
So this is goodbye" -
Makes Me Wonder "Oh I want so bad to pick you up
but you're still too reluctant to accept my help
What a shame, I hope you find somewhere to place the blame" -
Nothing Lasts ForeverTwo different exes, two very different lyrics
11. Describe your significant Other "I never knew perfection til
I hear you speak, and now it kills me
just to hear you say the simple things.
Now waking up is hard to do
and sleeping is impossible too
everything is reminding me of you
What can I do?" -
Better that We Break1
2. Describe your best friend. "I'll never leave you behind
or treat you unkind
I know you understand" -
Sweetest Goodbye13. Describe your worst enemy. "How dare you say that my behavior's unacceptable
so condescending, unnecessarily critical
I have the tendency of getting very physical
So watch you're step cause if I do you'll need a miracle" -
Harder to Breathe14. Describe your greatest joy. "How does it feel to know you never have to be alone
when you get home" -
Sweetest Goodbye15. Describe your greatest annoyance. "I spend every hour waiting for a phone call
That I know will never come" -
Through with You16. What is one thing that hurts your feelings? "I asked her to stay
but she wouldn't listen.
She left before I had the chance to say
The words that would mend
the things that were broken.
But now its far too late, she's gone away" -
I Won't Go Home Without You17. Describe your happiest moment. "Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers, share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in." -
Sunday Morning18. How do you feel at this very moment? "Now every evening is a bitter fight
and I'm eating home alone on a Friday night" -
Back at Your Door19. How did you feel exactly one month ago? "Every night you cry yourself to sleep
Thinking: Why does this happen to me?
Why does every moment have to be so hard?
Hard to believe it" -
I Won't Go Home Without You20. What are your absolute favorite lyrics from this band/artist? "What you are doing is screwing things up inside my head
you should know better you never listened to a word I said.
Clutching your pillow and writhing in a naked sweat
hoping somebody someday will do you like i did" -
Harder to Breathe21. Leave us with some words of wisdom... " Though we have not hit the ground
doesn't mean we're not still not falling" -
Nothing Lasts Forever