Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Amazing Race

I do love me some online quizzes. I think that this is a pretty accurate result. This is one of my favorite reality shows. I would love to travel and see the world, but I'm pretty sure that I'd suck at some of the challenges. Also, I'd probably be that player that stresses out and yells at their partner...haha. My favorite is when contestants are in another country and they don't speak the language and they try to communicate with one or two equally stupid methods.
  1. continue to speak English only do it slower and louder. Slower and louder apparently helps people who don't speak English to understand it.
  2. continue to speak English, however, on key words add el to the beginning and o to the end, and always use rapido to mean fast. Ex: I need to get to el airporto rapido. I need el doctoro rapido I am el sicko <--haha

Sidenote: Seeing el sicko reminded me that in high school Spanish class we all went by Spanish names. There were several Jasons in the class, so my Spanish name was Frederico based off of my last name. One day the teacher had a student passing out a quiz that she had graded. Everyone else had received their quiz except me and the student was walking around w/ one quiz left and a confused look on his face. Finally, he stops in the middle of the room and asks "Who is Freak-o?" The teacher hadn't felt like writing out my entire Spanish name so she wrote F-rico. I thought it was hysterical and somewhat appropriate, so that became my Spanish name for the rest of the year.

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