Since last week's T-shirt Tuesday was just an idea for an upcoming t-shirt, I thought that this week I would show you a t-shirt that I already made. There was this line of greeting cards (wish I could remember it) that made these hysterical cards. One in card came into my life during a particularly over-worked time in my life. I remember receiving this card from my friend C and reading it one night after having worked for about 16-20 hours (really who knows?...i was delirious). The card had a one panel cartoon on the front that was hills and cans of corn all throughout the picture. The caption..."Its sad really, cause back in the day cans of corn roamed the hills as far as the eyes could see" Well, that did it for me. I was thrown into a fit of laughter that was the exact therapy I needed at the time. The line on the inside was simple "Life's weird, enjoy it" (this was actually what every card in this series said on the inside) and C wrote a note saying I should check out the back of the card. On the back of the card was a much smaller panel and it had the following poem.....
A Poem About Corn
I like corn.
Corn is good.
Corn in a pan.
Corn also.
Well, I just lost it. If I was laughing before I was in tears now. For some reason that struck me a the funniest thing ever. Over time, this was shared w/ most of our group of friends, and like things often do w/ friends, this took on a life of its own. For awhile, if someone was having a bad day we would call and recite this poem into their voicemail. Eventually (and still to this day), it is a mini-SOS for us to use. When you have a bad day, you call one of us up and simply say corn also, and I guarantee we'll be laughing in a second.
I love weird cards like that. There was one I gave my best friend, or she gave it to me, and we could just pull it out and laugh until we cried, no words said.
Excellent T-shirt.
I randomly googled "corn also" because my sister just found the corn card I sent to her. For a fellow admirer, I send this to you"
The front of the card says: "It's sad, because in the old days, huge herds of canned corn roamed the high plains, as far as the eye could see. . ."
The inside says: "Life's weird. Enjoy it."
The back says: "A Poem About Corn: Corn, corn, corn
Corn's good.
Corn - it is good.
Corn also.
The end."
And then it has an arrow pointing to the poem that says "pretty sweet!"
I love that card. LOVE IT!
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