Every year Kelly does a pride month challenge. He posts a pic asking people to post the pic on their own blog or website, thus spreading the rainbow. This year, he is taking the challenge one step further. He wants you to post the pic and tell your story. Whether its your coming out, why you haven't come out, why you posted the pic, or just why you felt it was important to spread the rainbow. Now let me say, Kelly is one of my favorite bloggers. I check out his blog on a near daily basis and if you've never checked it out, you really should.
Anyway, back to the Pride month challenge. I don't particularly feel the need to re-hash my coming out, but I did have stuff that I wanted to say. I went back and forth several times on whether or not I should do this post. In fact, even as I sit here typing it I am hesitant of the final outcome. I just know that I feel how I feel and I need to put it into words. So let me put this out there up front... if anything I say in here upsets anyone, that's not my intention.
I feel like alot of how the GLBT "community", particularly in my area, presents itself does not represent me. In general, I feel a huge disconnect from the community. In spite of that, or more accurately because of that, I felt it was important to post the pic and spread the rainbow. I love the idea that the rainbow celebrates both our diversity and our unity. So I'm posting it here as a way to say, "you know what, I disagree with alot of what's going on these days, but I respect our differences, cherish our similiarities, and hope to find a way to bridge the gap."